
Welcome to the Starship of Conscious Entrepreneurs

The Crystal Organization (CO) is a new form of collective organism of vertical movement. COs journey together as holonic groups with a shared mission and aspiration to co-create a new high frequency reality and flowering of collective consciousness.

We are Coming Together to
Boldly Create the New!

The Crystal Organizations invite people with shared vision and aspiration for personal and collective evolution, to embark together on transformative journeys of self-discovery, creativity, and deep connection!

This is a time when the power of many as One is required to create the reality that our hearts know is possible. We answer the call to co-create the foundations for a new paradigm of planetary thriving - creating new ways of being and new ways of living, serving the greater good.

Now is the time to let go of everything that is not serving our highest purpose, and begin blossoming into the wondrous co-creators that we all are!

CO Platform is an online game platform designed for connecting, playing, and co-creating. Participants form cohesive groups known as ‘crews’ and embark on cohort ‘journeys’ aboard conceptual ‘starships’. It features distinct paths with unique collection of curated journeys and quests within immersive environments.

CO Journeys are transformative cohort experiences that blend play, experiential learning, and purposeful quests to achieve real-world outcomes. Typically lasting eight days or weeks, these journeys involve crews participating in a thoughtfully crafted mix of online and in-person (hybrid) activities. In-person activities are conducted in carefully selected spaces to maximize engagement and group interaction, ensuring rich and immersive experiences.

CO Starships set sail on journeys once each season, launching four times a year. Each starship assembles a crew of up to eight members, guided by a specifically designed operational model that ensures a supportive and high-trust environment, optimal for deep learning and collaboration. Crews may journey independently or as part of larger cohorts

CO Cohorts consist of multiple CO Starships, potentially bringing together up to 50 individuals. Cohorts are structured to amplify intergroup dynamics and operational efficiency, both within and across crews. As a result, this sophisticated organizational model not only enhances the depth and coherence of interactions but also aligns them toward a shared purpose, thereby amplifying the collective impact of the experience.

CO Accelerator is an extension of this vision, designed to empower established crews who have successfully completed at least one cohort journey and are ready to enter the next exciting stage on their path to launch a Crystal Organization — a sovereign organization of interconnected crews with the organizational DNA of COs. More here.

Choose Your Path

Navigating Your Transformation

The CO Journeys are organized around three core paths (themes) — Mystic, Entrepreneurial, and Relational. Each path is a gateway to distinct realms of inner growth, creative manifestation, and enriched interpersonal connections. CO members hold space for each other to bring forth their full creative potential – to discover their soul mission and bring it into tangible realization, serving the highest good of All.

The “Mystic Path” invites you to explore your inner world, deepening your connection with your authentic self and higher aspirations. These journeys guide you towards crystallization of your vision and mission in life.

The “Entrepreneurial Path” equips you with the knowledge, resources, and partnerships you need to manifest your dreams, to turn visionary ideas into concrete realities, to generate true prosperity and exponential positive impact.

Embark on a “Relational Path” when you feel called to deepen your sense of connection with others and share your love, friendship, and zest for life, all while bringing more awareness and embodiment into your interactions with others.

Each path is intentionally curated to provide you with abundant opportunities to fulfill some of your most essential needs for “Spiritual Realization”, “Creative Manifestation” and “Meaningful Relationships”. You may begin with any of the three paths, as they ultimately merge together to create a well-rounded, transformative pathway filled with purpose, collaboration, and celebration!

Mystic Path

Discover Your True Self

Do you feel the need to deepen your awareness and connection with your inner self? Do you want to clear your mental, physical, and emotional blockages? Do you want to reach crystal clarity of your life’s calling and have the motivation, energy, and vitality to realize your dreams?

Commit to the path to unlock your inner guidance system that illuminates every step of your way.

Entrepreneurial Path

Create Impactful Ventures

Are you an aspiring entrepreneur who seeks knowledge and mentorship to launch a startup with a bold vision? Are you a startup willing to take your team and your operations to the next level? Are you an impact-focused investor looking to support ventures that are fit for the future?

Join forces with those committed to creating win-win-win businesses, shaping a better world for All!

Relational Path

Cultivate Friendships and Intimacy

Do you wish to explore a deeper sense of connection, friendship, and intimacy? Do you feel called to share your love, meditation, and zest for life more profoundly, enhancing awareness and trust in your relationships?

Step into this path of authentic relating, intertwining your unique gifts to contribute to the collective awakening of our interconnectedness.

Start Onboarding

Online Courses

Our online courses are developed to give you a comprehensive introduction to the Crystal Organization’s offerings. Through these courses, you’ll acquire specific knowledge and skills necessary to navigate our platform’s offerings and initiatives effectively. As your onboarding step into our ecosystem, they ensure a smooth transition to our immersive CO Journeys, equipping you with the confidence and preparation needed for the journeys ahead.

Mystic Path

Credits: 1

Develop Your Meditation Protocol Course

Learn the foundational principles behind meditation, its benefits, and how to integrate it into your daily life. Meditation has positive impact on health, performance, and well-being, serving as a gateway into your inner world. This course offers key components on how to set right intentions, how to build an effective routine for consistent practice, and how to create an environment that supports your meditation journey.
Location: Online
Time: 3–5 hours
Cost: Free

Mystic Path

Credits: 1

Introduction to Human Design Course

Learn the foundations of the Human Design system. This module covers the essential components of Human Design, from the significance of your Type, Authority, and Profile to the nuanced roles of Centers, Channels, and Gates. This course is structured to not only provide a thorough understanding of the system’s theory but also to offer practical guidance on applying these insights to enhance your daily life.
Location: Online
Time: 3–5 hours

Cost: Free

Entrepreneurial Path

Credits: 1

Principles of Impact Entrepreneurship Course

Discover the core principles of creating businesses that make a difference, drawing on the insights of leading impact entrepreneurs. This course equips you with the knowledge to design business models that not only generate profit but also contribute positively to society and the environment. Engage with real-world examples and case studies to apply what you’ve learned in a practical context.
Location: Online
Time: 2–3 hours
Cost: Free

Entrepreneurial Path

Credits: 1

Introduction to Product Management Course

Learn the foundations of Product Product Management developed by experienced product managers and industry experts. This course offers a thorough overview of the product development process, encompassing idea validation, MVP design, development, and launch of software products. The curriculum includes detailed best practices and case studies of effective product lifecycle management.
Location: Online
Time: 4–6 hours
Cost: Free

Your Journeys Aboard CO Starships

Immerse into a World of Shared Adventures with Your Crew

The journeys aboard CO Starships are facilitated experiences that aim to inspire, challenge, and catalyze transformation. The CO Journeys are usually hybrid, blending online learning with physical, in-person retreats. Journey facilitators, carefully vetted for their integrity and experience, offer a well-designed program structure and a curriculum tailored to the needs and intentions of the crew members.

Choose one of the upcoming journeys across any of the 3 Paths, then schedule a free pre-enrollment interview to begin your enrollment application process. Following successful enrollment, you will be guided through the crewing-up process to assemble your crew for the selected journey. You also have the option to join with your existing crew.

Upon successful completion of a journey, you will receive a certificate and a specific amount of credits. Ready to embark on an epic journey with a stellar crew?

Mystic Path

Credits: 10

Light Portal Activation Journey in Mexico

Join us for a plant medicine journey to venture into new high-frequency spaces of healing and transformation with the Light Portal team. The journey offers an opportunity to resolve inner blockages holding you back from operating at your full potential in business and personal life. Experience the profound healing power of plant medicine ceremonies during a week of immersive retreat, including 7 weeks of online preparation and 4 weeks of post-retreat integration.
Retreat Location: A luxury resort in a jungle of Yukatan, Mexico
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Mystic Path

Credits: 10

SIBA Warrior-Healer Journey in Costa Rica

Embark on a profound Warrior-Healer Journey to let go of old patterns and experience collective healing, empowerment, and liberation. Guided by Lydia and Pancho, esteemed maestros curanderos trained in the Shipibo tradition, experience the potent fusion of Plant Medicine and Terma SIBA crystal technology during a week of immersive retreat in the jungles of Costa Rica. The journey includes 7 weeks of online preparation and 4 weeks of post-retreat integration.
Retreat Location: A retreat place in a jungle of Costa Rica
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Mystic Path

Credits: 6

Breathwork & Sound Journey in Armenia

Join for a magical weekend of a Crystal Breathwork journey, guided by experienced facilitators Narek and Anahit in Armenia. Crystal Breathwork is a gentle yet powerful energetic process using breath, movement, and sound to release physical and emotional blockages, induce deep meditative states, and receive spiritual insights. The journey includes 7 day online preparation with a crew, in-person weekend retreat, and post-retreat integration meeting.
Retreat Location: A forest retreat center in Dilijan, Armenia
Time Commitment: 1w online, 2d in-person, 1w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Entrepreneurial Path

Credits: 4

Product Development Journey in Netherlands

Embark on an 8-week journey of online collaboration with a cross-functional team, culminating in an in-person co-creation retreat in Amsterdam, and follow up post-retreat integration. Acquire product development skills spanning from design to development and the launch of mobile apps, all with the guidance of experienced mentors and industry experts. Contribute to an impactful project, as part of the Crystal Organization’s Entrepreneurial Path.
Retreat Location: Coworking hub in Amsterdam, Netherlands.
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Entrepreneurial Path

Credits: 6

Mastering The 7 Powers in San Francisco, US

Join us on a hybrid online/in-person journey with a small crew to learn the foundations of business strategy and organization building, inspired by the wisdom of visionaries like Eric Ries, Steve Blank, and Hamilton Helmer. Engage in group studies and expert guest lectures, enabling you to: identify and validate market opportunities, create impactful businesses, and cultivate a resilient entrepreneurial mindset.
Retreat Location: Private retreat space in San Francisco, US
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Relational Path

Credits: 8

Dolphin Journey on Yachts in Red Sea, Egypt

Join us for an awe-inspiring journey learning about interspecies communication, telepathy, and meditation. Starting with 7 weeks of online preparations and connection circles with your crew. Then, a one-week voyage aboard a private yacht cruising into the magical azure blue waters of the Southern Red Sea, a life-changing experience of swimming with wild dolphins, and diving on coral reefs. Followed up by one month post-retreat online integration.
Retreat Location: Red Sea, boarding at Port Ghalib, Egypt.
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

Relational Path

Credits: 6

Human Design Journey in Sweden

Embark on a journey to explore Human Design system, uncover the blueprint of your true self, and learn how to navigate life and relationships with clarity and authenticity. Discover the intricacies of your astrological chart during 7 weeks of online workshops, personalized readings, and group exercises. And learn how these elements shape your expression within individual and group interactions during an in-person retreat on a magical island for one week. 
Retreat Location: An island in Stockholm archipelago, Sweden
Time Commitment: 7w online, 1w in-person, 4w online (1h/w)
Enrolled Applicants:

The CO App

Accessible through VR and Mobile Devices [Beta]

The CO Platform offers transformative cohort experiences by combining play, experiential learning, and purposeful quests. Currently in Beta, our Android and iOS apps are designed to streamline online interactions for participants through a unique flow. A key feature of this app is the gamified process, which guides users in choosing a path, quest, and crew members through a series of choices.

In addition, the mobile apps also support basic functionalities such as one-to-one and group messaging, online meetings, and media content for study materials. For a more immersive experience, we are developing a Virtual Reality platform that offers thematic interaction environments.

We are on a mission to evolve the CO Platform into a global network of many interconnected groups, where people journey together sharing life-changing experiences.